This Machine Learning Lung UltraSound Heart Failure (ML LUS HF) model, shown in the previous figure, facilitates the evaluation of heart failure risk in patients aged 50 and above, admitted to the Emergency Department for acute dyspnea. The calculation of heart failure risk is based on the b-lines count obtained from lung ultrasound, utilizing the 8-zones method.

Enter the B-Lines count for each of the 8 zones:

Right hemithorax

Anterior axillary Para sternal
Inter costal space II
Inter costal space IV

Left hemithorax

Para sternal Anterior axillary
Total B-lines B-lines in right lung Difference between sup. and inf. Difference between right and left
0 0 0 0

From 'A Machine Learning-based Lung Ultrasound Algorithm For the Diagnosis of Acute Heart Failure', by Stefano Coiro, Claire Lacomblez, Kevin Duarte, Luna Gargani, Tripti Rastogi, Tahar Chouihed and Nicolas Girerd.