Messages from Professor Boivin and Professor Girerd for the 5th Stanislas Cohort Visit:
Messages from Professor Boivin and Professor Girerd for the 5th Stanislas Cohort Visit:
"COHORTE STANISLAS: familial heritability, gene-gene interaction and gene-environment in the field of cardiovascular diseases" is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the FEDER-FSE Lorraine and Massif des Vosges Operational Program 2014-2020
Total budget for the period 2014-2020: 1 012 914 € HT
A total of 4,295 healthy patients have been followed for almost 20 years. This large-scale study conducted in Nancy has made it possible to follow the evolution of the health of a group of thousands of people.
The STANISLAS cohort has made it possible to collect a wealth of data, which is particularly valuable for researchers.
A cohort is a group of people with certain common characteristics. Medical examinations are carried out on these people in order to collect data useful for medical research.
The STANISLAS cohort, whose members were recruited between 1993 and 1995, is composed of 1006 families, i.e. 4295 people in total. All members are from the Nancy region and had no chronic disease at the beginning of the study. The families of this STANISLAS Cohort are obligatorily composed of two parents and at least two biological children.
The main strength of this study lies in the study period. The patients were followed for almost 20 years, with regular medical visits. This follow-up - of the same initially healthy people - over such a long period of time, makes this study unique in the world. In total, the members of the Cohort participated in up to 4 in-depth medical visits. Thousands of data were collected from the examinations and questionnaires over the years. The 4th visit, carried out by the Centre d'Investigation Clinique - Plurithématique (CIC-P) of Nancy and based on the examinations and assessments already carried out during the previous visits, was completed by other procedures: blood and urine samples, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, etc.
All of this information, which is processed completely anonymously, enables scientists and researchers to carry out a wide range of research. The aim is to study the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in the field of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.
cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. As the cohort has been followed over a long period, it is possible to study the evolution of the different risk factors identified.
of families
1st visit
2nd visit
3rd visit
The study is entrusted to the Nancy University Hospital and the CIC-P
4th visit
In 1993, the creation of the Cohort was initiated under the aegis of the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAM), at the Centre de Médecine Préventive (CMP) of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy.
In 2009, the Nancy University Hospital became the promoter of the Cohort and entrusted the Clinical Investigation Centre - Plurithématique (CIC-P) of Nancy with two essential missions:
∙ the conservation of data and samples
∙ the continuation of the follow-up of the Cohort.
the role of genetics and the influence of the environment on cardiovascular risk factors.
a database to monitor the health status of the Cohort over a long period (20 years and more).
This data is made available to national and international research teams.