Since December 2021, the Centre d'Investigation Clinique Plurithématique (CIC-P) 1433 of the CHRU de Nancy has been certified ISO9001 by AFNOR. The management system for clinical investigation activities, the management of clinical study data and the and coordination of clinical research projects has been assessed as compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. This international quality management standard guarantees organizational quality, know-how, skills and customer satisfaction. It guarantees that partners follow strict requirements, specifications and guidelines to ensure scientific production in line with international standards.
Initiated since November 2019, the certification process has mobilized the entire CIC-P team. The certifying body AFNOR came to assess the quality of clinical investigation activities as well as the setting up and coordination of clinical research projects during 2 days at the end of September 2021.
Thanks to this first certification cycle (2021-2024), the team will continue to improve its clinical investigation and clinical research project development and coordination activities.